Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chapter 3

So I was meant to go to a local school earlier this week to do a day's volunteer work in the library. This changed when I was called in to do 3 days of work at a school so I've rescheduled for Friday. In the meantime I haven't had much chance to do study but I am trying to cram it in tonight as I'm starting to get stressed about the assignments. I originally planned to spend all of Thursday of studying however I have been asked to work (Yay money) and i'm refusing to give up my unpaid day in the library on Friday for the sake of the assignments. (At least I will meet people at this other school and hopefullly pick up some casual work there).

What I have learnt so far this week:
*The standards produced by ASLA are great. It's nice to be acknowledged as needing a separate set of standards to show that we are trained both as teachers and librarians.
*I like Haycock's definition of Information literacy. It's nice and simple yet covers what it needs to. I know that there are many different definitions however some of these can be hard to understand from the language used and when explaining to someone else it's nice to be able to put it concisely.
*Haycock's article also showed me that the role of the principal is critical to the development of the school (priorities, culture and resources). [I agree with this on so many levels]. The principal is the key factor to the development and success of a school library program as well as ensuring that the TL is used effectively as a resource.
*Oberg's 'developing the respect' article describes how TLs must be seen as leaders in the school. Often they are forgotten about or not even thought about as teachers. The article also outlines how a principal's support can impact on the library and the many roles a principal plays in supporting the library.

That's all for now

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