Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 7

Ok so it really has been a while and looking at the screen I really am feeling guilty thinking 'why didn't I do this earlier?' Now with only a few days until the assessments are due we've hit the panic button to get things done. Isn't it amazing how things always creep up on you?

So over the past 5 weeks I've been a relief teacher in a school filling in for a teacher on long-service leave. And over that period of time I've had to prepare lessons and learn many new software programs in a bid to teach students something worthwhile. It hasn't been easy as it's my first block of work since graduating from Uni last year.

However, in that time I have on occasion been able to witness the actions of the teacher librarian. This particular librarian lives in his own little domain within the library. On occasion he will venture forth to a staffroom to speak with staff regarding Board of Studies issues. I have learnt that part of his role is liaising with the Board of Studies and being the 'know-all' for Board of Studies requirements. Now I don't mean to be critical, well actually yes I do, but what I'm trying to say is that this teacher librarian appears to do very little after all is said and done. As far as I'm aware he is not on any committees within the school and was not very helpful when I asked questions of him. Apparently if you gained you degree 30 years ago with a Diploma of Education you have very little to offer the novice librarian or so he thought. What he has in fact given me is the motivation to be a better teacher librarian, to learn more about the different roles that I can take in the school to make my library a busy and exciting place to be.

That's it for now

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